Privacy Policy

To facilitate your understanding of how we use, process and store your data, we have organized the text into the following sections:

  1. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
  2. How do we collect your personal data?
  3. What type of personal information do we collect?
  4. For what purposes do we use your personal data?
  5. How do we manage the security of your personal data?
  6. How long do we keep the data?
  7. What are your rights in relation to personal data and lodging a complaint?
  8. How can you check and modify your online privacy settings?

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data? is the website belonging to Kreo International SA (“our company” hereinafter), with legal headquarters in Via delle Scuole 19 - 6900 Lugano (Switzerland). Our company manages the internet sites (“our web platform” hereinafter).

Kreo International SA (hereinafter "the Owner") is the owner of the processing of personal data also collected through our web platform.

2. How do we collect your personal data?

Our company collects your personal data in the following circumstances:

if you contact us directly, for example through our web platform, by e-mail or by telephone through our direct line, in order to request information about our products and services

  • if you buy one of our products or services, for example through our web platform
  • if you respond to our marketing campaigns, for example by filling in a response form, or by entering data in our web platform
  • if your contact details are communicated to us by a third party with your consent
  • if other companies in our group or business partners legitimately transfer your personal data to us
  • if we acquire your personal data from other sources (e.g. from intermediaries), in full compliance with the applicable legislation
  • if you participate in an event organized by our company
  • If you provide personal data on behalf of someone else, it is your responsibility to ensure, even before doing so, that the interested party has read this Privacy Policy.
  • If you are under 16, please do not provide us with any personal data.

We ask for your support by informing us of any changes to your personal data in order to keep them up-to-date.

3. What type of personal information do we collect?

The following data may be collected through the various services and contact channels described in this Privacy Policy, always respecting your express consent:

  • Contact details - information concerning name, address, telephone number, email address
  • Interests - information you provide us with regarding your interests
  • Other personal data - information you provide us with regarding your date of birth or professional situation
  • Contract data - customer number, case number
  • Use of the Site and Communications - information relating to how you use our site, open or forward our communications, including information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies (read our cookie policy)
  • Online account data - account information to access our web platform
  • Sales and Service Information - information relating to purchases, support and assistance, including complaints
  • Images - images that portray your person collected through photos and / or videos made on the occasion of events organized by our company

4. For what purposes do we use your personal data?

Your personal data will be processed, for the purposes described below, mainly with IT tools. To facilitate understanding, we divide them into:

  1. purposes with necessary consent, or situations in which you must necessarily consent to the processing of your data as they are strictly necessary to manage your request and / or to fulfill any contractual obligation towards you. If you object to providing us with this information, we will not be able to correctly process your request and / or fulfill the legal and regulatory obligations that may be imposed on our company;
  2. purposes with optional consent, in this circumstance you will have to issue an explicit consent through checkboxes specifically displayed within our web platform, before submitting a specific request. Consent can be revoked at any time by sending a written communication to our data controller or through our web platform;
  3. purposes of legitimate interest, i.e. when we use your personal data to pursue a legitimate interest relating to our company. You can object if the conditions exist.


Fulfillment of a request by you: necessary to process your requests. Our company collects its contact data, including through our web platform, in order to respond to your requests. It also shares, only when strictly necessary, the required information with the staff of our company and with suppliers / partner companies who can act as autonomous data collectors only after releasing their own privacy policy.

  1. Sales of our products / services: to manage the sale of our products / services including through our web platform. Our company collects your personal data if you purchase a product / service also through our web platform. Our company may also use this information to identify and resolve any technical or other issues relating to the supply of products / services purchased. With regard to our web platform, if you interrupt the purchase procedure after having previously entered your personal data and released this necessary consent, your data will be automatically removed from our systems within a maximum of 60 minutes (for this period of time they will be stored in our system, but can only be recovered from your terminal, to facilitate any changes relating to your order).


Internal promotional purposes: to provide you with news and / or promotional offers / discounts / information regarding the purchase of our products. Our company also collects your personal data through our web platform and can use it to send you information on the sale of and assistance with our products / services and / or contact you regarding commercial offers in line with your preferences or to invite you to promotional events, as well as to carry out market research and / or customer satisfaction surveys.

  1. Sending of newsletters: to allow periodic sending of our newsletters. Our company only uses your email to send you periodic communications with information and content relating to our company and / or current events / promotions.
  2. Promotion of our company: to promote our brand on social channels or other means of communication. If a video shooting and / or photo shooting service is provided during our events, our company may collect the Image data, without making any compensation, in order to publish it on our social channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ) or diffusion through the press on local, national or international newspapers.
  3. External promotional purposes: to provide you with news and / or promotional offers / discounts / information regarding the purchase of products offered by other companies in our group and / or our partner companies.

Legitimate INTERESTS

The personal data collected for the purpose referred to in point Necessary 1 may also be processed for the further purpose of verifying the effectiveness of the response to your requests, so as to improve the service provided to our customers. This treatment is based on the legitimate interest of our company in order to evaluate the degree of effectiveness of the responses to customer requests, so as to verify that the quality standards of the services comply with those set by our company in the interest of our customers.

  1. Sales support and assistance of our products / services: to provide support during the sale of and / or assistance with one of our products / services, it may be necessary to use your personal data. In this case we will use it exclusively to provide you with the assistance / sale requested by you
  2. The personal data collected for the purpose referred to in point Necessary 2 could also be processed, in order to execute your requests, by our suppliers / associated companies who can act as autonomous data collectors only after releasing their own privacy policy.
  3. If you are a journalist, your contact details may be processed to inform you about any activities carried out by our company that may have a journalistic relevance.

5. How do we manage the security of your personal data?

We use various IT security measures to improve the protection of your information and the integrity and accessibility of your personal data. Although it is not possible to guarantee security from intrusions for the transmission of data that takes place on the internet and websites, we work to ensure that this does not happen. If we have provided you (or you have chosen) a password that allows you access to our web platform or a personal link for the management of your information, you will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this password / link and for respecting any other security procedure we have notified you about. We ask you to keep personal passwords / links safely and not to share them with anyone.

6. How long do we keep the data?

We retain your personal data only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or for any other legitimate and related purpose (for example, where they are relevant for a defense against claims made against us or in the presence of a legitimate interest). Therefore if personal data is processed for two different purposes, we will keep such data until the purpose with the longer term expires; however, we will no longer process personal data for the purpose whose retention period has ceased. 

Any personal data which is no longer necessary, or for which there is no longer a legal requirement for its conservation, is permanently deleted. To this end, personal data will be kept for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. For greater clarity, the retention periods are listed below:

Personal data relating to optional consents: 10 years from the date on which we obtained your last consent for this purpose (with the exception of the opposition to receive further communications).

Personal data relating to necessary consents: the data processed to fulfill any contractual obligation with you, may be kept for the entire duration of the contract as well as for the subsequent 10 years from the end of the fiscal year following that of competence, to deal with any assessment and / or tax dispute. If there is no contractual obligation on our part towards you, your personal data will be kept by our company for the time necessary to manage your request, after which it will be removed.

In the case of disputes: in the event that it is necessary to defend ourselves or take action or even make claims against you or third parties, we may retain the personal data that we consider reasonably necessary to process for these purposes, for the time in which this claim can be pursued.

7. What are your rights in relation to personal data and lodging a complaint?

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data by us, please contact our customer service.

According to current legislation, you have the right to ask us:

  1. for further details on the treatments we put in place
  2. for a copy of the personal data you have provided to us
  3. to update any inaccuracies in the data in our possession
  4. to delete any data for which we no longer have any legal basis for processing
  5. to withdraw your consent, in the event that the treatment is based on consent and is related to direct marketing activities, so as to cease such treatment
  6. to oppose any processing based on legitimate interests unless the reasons for which we are obliged to carry out such processing outweigh any prejudice to your data protection rights
  7. to limit the way in which we process your personal data when ascertaining a complaint

In the event that you, if the conditions exist, withdraw your consent or exercise the right of cancellation, it will be necessary to consider that this operation may require a technical processing time which we will reduce to a minimum, but during which you could still be contacted as part of the marketing activities that have already been carried out. If you are not satisfied with the way we treat your personal data, or with our response, you will have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

8. How can you check and modify your online privacy settings?

You can check and modify the online settings for the use of your data through our web platform, using the relevant options present, or by writing an email to our contact details.