Purchases can be made through our extensive network of authorized retailers, or safely online through our e-commerce platform worldwide.
Select the desired products and click the "Add to Cart" button. To complete the order, follow the instructions provided during the checkout process. The order will be considered complete only after entering the payment details.
Payment can be made by credit card through the Stripe platform. Accepted payment methods are: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
All watch orders are shipped via Fedex or DHL from the district of Lugano, Switzerland. A tracking number will be provided once the shipment is sent.
Delivery costs are always paid by the customer, with a contribution of only 15.90 CHF.
If the delivery place is difficult to reach by the forwarder, the customer may be contacted for an additional cost. In this case, the customer can choose between accepting the extra cost of shipment, or to cancel the order and receive the money back.
For all shipments, the customer must privately pay VAT, any local taxes, and customs clearance costs. Once the customs clearance process is initiated, the customer will be contacted for payment by the forwarder. The tax rate depends on the local taxation system.
We ship watches directly from the district of Lugano, in Switzerland. Delivery times vary by country. Orders are usually shipped within 5 business days. During special promotions and holidays, processing may take longer. All shipments require an adult’s signature upon delivery.
If you want to modify your order, you can write us to info@exaequo-meltingwatch.com , and we can proceed to make the change if the parcel hasn't shipped yet.
"Swiss law does not provide for any right to change your mind and return a product following an online purchase", but we offer the option to cancel within 2 days (48 hours) from the order being placed.
If the product is damaged or does not meet the specifications upon arrival, it can be replaced. In this case you can contact us by email info@exaequo-meltingwatch.com
Yes, we can repair Exaequo watches.
The procedure for repairing your watch is simple. Go to our website in the Support section (link: https://www.exaequowatches.com/helpdesk/exaequo-18 ) and fill out the form with all the relevant details of your request. If you prefer you can contact us directly to the email info@exaequo-meltingwatch.com . Then, you will be contacted and we provide you the estimated repair time.
Exaequo offers a 2-year warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship ("defects" present at the time of watch delivery). During the warranty period, the watch owner has the right to have any defect repaired free of charge. The warranty is valid only if the watch was purchased from an authorized retailer or on exaequowatches.com. The following defects are excluded from the warranty:
• normal wear and tear caused by use and aging, such as scratched glass, color changes, and/or leather material alterations, etc;
• damage resulting from failure to follow Exaequo’s usage recommendations;
• damage caused by improper, unusual, or negligent use, carelessness, accidents, shocks, etc;
• damage resulting from improper repairs made by service centers not authorized by Exaequo;
• modifications made to the watches outside of Exaequo’s control;
• additional warranty services offered by a direct seller, such as a retailer;
• indirect or consequential damage, such as those resulting from a stoppage or inaccuracy of the watch. The warranty does not limit legal rights.
We guarantee the functionality and quality of our straps from the factory. However, over time, leather, fabric, or rubber straps may show signs of aging, which are excluded from the warranty, as well as damage caused by wear or normal use. Frequent contact with water or sweat can accelerate the wear of a leather strap. In the case of manufacturing defects, bring the faulty strap or bracelet to an authorized Exaequo retailer for inspection. Depending on the case, the retailer will contact Exaequo.
For technical and quality reasons, we provide spare parts directly or exclusively to partners in our international network. Service Centers are available to all our customers and guarantee a professional service that complies with our high-quality standards.